test: che personaggio di hetalia axis powers sei?, [eng]

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view post Posted on 10/7/2010, 10:58

Which Hetalia Axis Powers
Character Are You?

io sono risultato...


Nation's name: Espana (or Kingdom of Spain)
Capital: Madrid
Language: Spanish
Birthday: February 12th
National flower: Carnation
Human name: Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
Height: Unknown
Age: 25 (appearance)
-A kingdom in southern Europe raised by the sun, bountiful nature, and the warm climate.
-Used to be a super power nation that traveled around the world with its merchant ships--but was then tormented by England, beat up upon by a much younger America, and engulfed in poverty and war ever since he was stripped of his status as a super nation.
-But, he seemed to have tide himself through those hardships with Espanola Optimism.
 -His personality is bright, loves people, and has a country-bumpkin-like atmosphere everywhere.
-His dishes are TOMATOES TOMATOES TOMATOES! And sweets that aren't really that sweet.
Spain is an easygoing guy who likes to socialize and have a little fun. He spent a lot of time attempting to keep Southern Italy in check, almost like a father figure. Ever optimistic, Spain is a very bright person.

*uffi... speravo o lichtenstein o giappone..XD beh dai.. nn è male.. anke xkè qualcosa ci azzecca..XD*
view post Posted on 10/7/2010, 11:29

Nation's name: Republique francaise (The French Republic)
Capital: Paris
Language: French
Birthday: July 14th
National flower: Iris
Human name: Francis Bonnefoy
Height: 175cm
Age: 26 (appearance)

-Was once a large nation in Europe that had the continent within the palm of his hand.
-Ever since England was born, they have been at odds with each other and are always trying to see which one is better and be acknowledged as such.
-Ever since Napoleon passed away, hasn't really been very good in war, but became a country known to attract tourists by wine alone (such as showing them to vineyards and to touring the process of wine-making).
-Very proud, and prides himself for having the most beautiful language in the world. Loves beautiful things--of course, that includes both males and females.
Nii-sama is the token rampaging pervert who loves to grope. And who doesn't love nii-sama? His hobbies include: sex, and pissing off the UK. Probably drinking wine somewhere inbetween.

Ever since England was born, they have been at odds with each other..

SI SI!!! E' sicuramente il risultato piu' giusto x me!!! XD
view post Posted on 10/7/2010, 12:00




Nation's name: United States of America
Capital: Washington D.C.
Language: English
Birthday (Independence Day): July 4th
National flower: Aquilegia
Human name: Alfred F. Jones
Height: 177cm
Age: 19 (appearance)
-A nation of pioneers who think of everything in a positive light, is quick to take action, and loves heroes, justice, freedom, as well as hamburgers.
-Perhaps it's because he's sticking his nose everywhere that recently his only friends are England (UK) and Japan.
-Perhaps it's because he's young, but he loves to exert energy.
-His inherited his sense of taste from England, so he's able to eat things even if it is blue and glowing as though nothing is wrong.
-Hobbies include games, making movies, sports, etc. Is an unbelievable nation whose boss has made friends with people who came from a fallen UFO and does not lose to England.
Superstitious, energetic, and eager, Alfred was raised by, yes, Arthur. Alfred always has his own idea of doing things, and they either work magnificantly, or fail miserably. He is very loyal and courageous, and always willing to go through great lengths for a friend.

SPOILER (click to view)
Io volevo essere il Giappone, o la Svizzera (anche se non c'è) o l'Austria, paese d'origine ç_ç
Però mi va bene anche l'America. xD
view post Posted on 10/7/2010, 13:19

a me austria sta antipatico..XD america... anke tu affetto dalla smania dell'eroe...?XD

view post Posted on 10/7/2010, 13:56

Live and let die




Nation's name: Japan (Nihon/Nippon)
Capital: Tokyo
Language: Japanese
Birthday: February 11th
National flowers: Cherry blossom (sakura), chrysanthemum (kiku)
Human name: Honda Kiku
Height: 165cm
Age: "A secret"
-A small country that appeared in the latter half of the world's history and didn't take more than several decades to become a powerful country in the orient.
-As an island nation, he holds distinct cultures and customs which other countries see as mysterious even though he himself thinks he's perfectly normal.
-Has a personality where he doesn't know much about the world, but is hard-working, serious, skilled with his hands, and needs time to adjust to other people. Loves watching the seasons change by admiring flowers and the moon, believes elegance is the best.
Oh, sweet little Japan. So inexperienced in the outside world at first, but does his best to learn all he can! Very studious and curious, Kiku is an intelligent individual who is always willing to expand and better his knowledge.

non che io sia una persona laboriosa, però, dai, non mi dispiace ^^
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view post Posted on 10/7/2010, 14:09

*_* nippon!!! *invidia*
view post Posted on 12/7/2010, 20:00

hei... secondo il sondaggio sono campione del mondo..^^
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